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Mahmoud Abdel Aziz

 Mahmoud Abdel Aziz ( 1946 -  2016) was an Egyptian actor.


Mahmoud Abdel Aziz

Mahmoud Abdel Aziz was born in the Wardian neighborhood, west of Alexandria. He belonged to a middle family. He was educated in the neighborhood’s schools until he moved to the Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, and there he began practicing his hobby of acting through the theater team at the Faculty of Agriculture. 

Mahmoud Abdel Aziz obtained a bachelor's degree and then a master's degree in beekeeping. His artistic career began through the series "Al-Dawama" in the early seventies, when director Nour El-Demerdash assigned him a role in the series with Mahmoud Yassin and Nelly, and with cinema through the movie "The Grandson", one of the classics of Egyptian cinema (1974), and his journey with the championship began since 1975 when He starred in the movie "Until the Last Age".

During 6 years, he starred in 25 movies, and during that period he continued to provide roles related to youth, romance, love and adventures. Since 1982, he began diversifying his roles. He presented the movie "Shame", and Mahmoud Abdel Aziz established his stardom after this movie, and he became more diverse in his roles, as he presented the role of the father in "The Virgin and the White Hair". And in the movie Forgery of Official Papers, then the role of the Egyptian intelligence agent and the spy in the movie “Execution of a Dead”, and he presented new characters in the films “The Tramps” and “Kif”, which enjoyed great public success.

In 1987, he presented one of his most important films, The Innocent, and in the mid-eighties he played an important role in his artistic life, the role of Raafat Al-Hagan in the television series of the same name, which is from the file of the Egyptian intelligence. The number of his films reached about 84 films, in which he starred, while he directed one film, "The Sweet, Liar Girl". These films varied between romantic comedy and realism.

In 2004, Mahmoud Abdel Aziz presented to the small screen the television series "Mahmoud Al-Masry", in which he embodied the character of a major businessman who began his journey with success from Alexandria.

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