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Aly Lotfy Mahmoud

Ali Lotfy Mahmoud (born October 6, 1935) was the Prime Minister of Egypt, from the period of September 4, 1985 until November 9, 1986 after he left the post of prime minister took over as Chairman of the Shura Council, until 1989, Above all he was working as finance minister under President Anwar Sadat also served as head of the Supreme Council for Culture and the chairman of the party during his presidency of the Shura Council.


- Bachelor of Commerce, Ain Shams University.
- Diploma economic facilities management.
- Doctor of Economics, the University of Lausanne.


- Professor and Head of the Economics Department of the Faculty of Commerce, Ain Shams
- Minister of Finance.
- Prime Minister. 
- Chairman of the Shura Council.
- Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Press.


It has more than thirty in search of Arabic, English and French languages, and the most important writings :
- Economic development.
- Economic backwardness indicators.
- Industrialization in developing countries problems.
- Financing problems in developing countries.
- Introduction to Economics.
- Economic planning.
- Economical development.
- Studies in the development of society.