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Omar Soliman

Omar Suleiman (July 2, 1936), Vice-President of Arab Republic of Egypt from January 29, 2011 until February 11, 2011, was head of the Egyptian General Intelligence Service since January 22, 1993 until his appointment as Vice-Chairman
He was educated at the Military Academy in Cairo, and in 1954 joined the Egyptian armed forces, and then received additional military training at the Academy of Frunze Soviet Union, also received a master's degree in Political Science from the University of Cairo, as he holds a Master's military science. In the currency of the armed forces up jobs until he was appointed Chief of the general planning in the operations of the armed forces, then took over as director of military intelligence, and in the January 22, 1993 was appointed head of the Egyptian General Intelligence Service.

Omar Suleiman, is married and has three daughters.
During his tenure as president of the General Intelligence took also file the Palestinian issue and commissioned by President Mohammad Hosni Mubarak, which assumed the task of brokering a deal to release the Israeli military prisoner of Hamas, Gilad Shalit and the truce between Hamas and Israel and negotiations between the Palestinians and Israelis, as it is exercising the functions of diplomatic a number of countries, including a number of missions in Sudan.

Were charged to operations involved torture against suspected Matkulaian al Qaeda members sent by the United States from Afghanistan to Egypt

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