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Hasaballah ElKafrawi

Hasaballah Kafrawi Egyptian politician and former minister for housing, former governor of Damietta in Egypt.

Was the minister for housing for 16 years from September 1977 until October 1993 he was appointed governor of Damietta in November 1976

Born in the village of Kafr Soliman, Kafr Saad - Damietta in November 22, 1930, and received a Bachelor of Engineering Civil Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, 1950.

Been appointed by God Kafrawi head of the New Urban Communities Authority in 1980, and was elected captain of engineers in 1991.

Is considered by some Hasaballah Kafrawi "Abu new cities" (October 6, 10th of Ramadan .. .. .. Sadat New Damietta Mrakie ..) .. Started all at one time .. Was supposed to house all the Sadat City and State ministries to ease the burden on Cairo.

Kafrawi Hasaballah is started in the port of Damietta Originate new and officially opened on July 26, 1986 .. Also began to create exotic port of Alexandria in the province .. The revitalization of housing cooperatives.

Established by the minister of God Kafrawi Housing and Development Bank in 1978 to finance building projects of housing units for young people. Which resulted in building two million housing units for low income

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