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Naguib Sawiris

Naguib Sawiris (June 17, 1955 in the province of Sohag Tahtaha) is one of the largest Egyptian businessmen, chairman of Orascom Telecom and Orascom Technology. Sawiris son of the president and founder of Orascom multiple activities. Obtained the Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and Master of Science in technical management of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Launched a channel or MTV, which opened in January 31, 2007 and a channel in the T-Online, which opened in October 6, 2008. Shareholder in Al Masry Al Youm. Forbes magazine estimated his fortune in 2010 estimated at 2.5 billion dollars, ranked No. 374 on the list of the richest men in the world where it occupies the fourth place in Egypt

Disease of his working life in Egypt after his return from a trip study in 1987 the establishment of the sector in the company of his father (OT) as the technology sector agency company HP for computers has been to develop this sector annexation of the mechanism of communications for the computer from a company AT & T in 1990 to complement the system work in this area, then developed relationship with the company until he received the agency's aT & T devices Allotsalat year 1992 and since that date reaches the relationship with the telecommunications sector and passion for it and was assisted in this area the first communications engineer working with him, a engineer Osama Khouly assessed in 1994 created the first company of the Internet InTuch, shelter in 1996 to establish the first company contacts across Aloqmaralsnaaah in Egypt, ESC, in 1997, its inception in the world of mobile phone alliance with the companies France Telecom and Motorola create Mobinil Telecom Asthozat 70% of the Egyptian Company for Mobile Services in Egypt and known as Mobinil, this was the turning point of the second in advance in the field of communications

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